The study period webdesign

The start of The Study Period campaign

It all started with the petition which advocated to end period poverty in higher education in the Netherlands. Students who menstruate often face obstacles when they have to choose between their education, paying for sanitary products, and access to safe and hygienic spaces to menstruate. Therefore, the equitable thing to do is to ensure that students can menstruate for free at school.

The petition established that there is a need for change (with more than 2000 signatures); however, with The Study Period, we want to advocate for a sustainable action plan to eliminate period poverty in the Netherlands, focusing on higher education.

The goal of the campaign is to:

1. Destigmatize periods
2. Raise awareness and advocate for change
3. Sending an open letter to the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science to signify the need for change in higher education.

Why must we take action on Period Poverty? 

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The Period Problem in Higher Education

Higher education institutions are charging students for getting their periods, but they’re also making a profit off of it.

Many of these menstrual product vending machines charge students around 4 to 6 times as much for a tampon than the price at the supermarket.

Since the pink tax is already included at the supermarkets, what are we paying extra for? Labor hours? If that's the case, we would pay for toilet paper, hand soap, hand dryer, etc.

Period Vending Machine at The Hanze UAS
Period Vending Machine at The Hanze UAS

Help us advocate for a sustainable action plan to end period poverty in higher education by taking some bloody action. Have a look below for what you can do and stay tuned for more!



Let's take some bloody action!


Sign the petition

Sign the petition to end period poverty in higher education in the Netherlands. Focussing on access to sanitary products, safe, hygienic spaces in which to use them, and the right to manage menstruation without shame or stigma, for anyone who menstruates.


Join the Blood Pack

The Blood Pack contains many shareable contents that you can use on your social media accounts.Use the hashtags:

#thestudyperiod, #studentswhomenstruate & #endperiodpovertyinNL

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For Students

Are you interested in being part of the Study Period? Consider joining our segment called student Take Over or Period Chronicles to voice your ideas.


Email Template

Take action and message your university now! The template and email addresses are ready, all you have to do is fill them in and press send!